Yesterday I sent a link to a client with all of the feature updates in the last several version found here. In addition there was a request for frequently underutilized features already in the software.
You many not own all of these but, how many of the 20 were you aware and more importantly use? We are here to help you strategizing using these features and others.
Different Color Screens for each legal company/database (visual cue for which database)
Canadian Zip code Load (Stop adding these one at a time)
Customizing Screens and hiding unneeded fields (Make the software fit your business)
Paperless Registers, Period-End-Reports, and Forms (Stop Killing Trees)
Hypertext access to full Vendor, Customer, and Item Information from data entry (Faster Access to your Data)
Electronic Delivery of forms such as invoices, statements and remittance advices (More Trees Saved)
Cleared Check Uploads for Bank Rec from your bank (Speed the Bank Rec Process)
Cleared Check information passed to AP Vendor Inquiry – Invoice Tab (More Information when Vendor Says have not received the check and it has cleared)
Positive Pay file generation for the bank (Bank Compliance)
Posting to GL from the Bank Rec Module (Stop doing this the old way)
ACH payment to Vendors (reduce delivery costs and expedite payments)
Being able to flag manual checks as Wires (system auto assigns record number)
GL percent distribution templates for allocating expenses in AP Invoice Entry (For those tedious allocations)
Email Invoice and Statements to your customers. Get paid faster. (Did you notice this one is in here twice)
Accounts Receivable Prepayments to record deposits against a customer (Keep track of deposits)
System Check for Duplicating Customer Purchase Order Number during Sales Order Entry (Also now 30 character – great if government customers)
Customer Pricing and Purchasing Control (Better Manage customer pricing)
Lot/Serial Assignment during Sales Order Entry (Not so frequent but handy if a customer is to get a certain 1 of 10 in stock)
General Ledger Rollup Codes (For additional reporting)
Easy access to system information such as who entered a transaction and when by a simple right click in history inquiries (How needs to take credit for this transaction)